Proud of Our Work Together this Past School Year!
As we reflect on the 2017-18 school year, we feel fortunate to have grown in size and geography, while still serving a diverse group of students. We couldn’t grow and sustain the program without the extensive support of our partner schools and many funders and supporters.
We grew in size: We served 4,300 students in 20% of DC public elementary schools.
We grew in geography: We served students across the city — in Wards 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.
We continue to serve a diverse group of students: 66% of the students who participate in FoodPrints are economically disadvantaged. At 7 of our schools, 100% of the student populations are eligible for free or reduced meals
We deepened our academic focus: We’ve developed more than 70 standards-based lessons that support student learning in core content areas. We provide an average of 340 hours of instruction per month in our partner schools, and led 1,400 FoodPrints sessions this past school year.
We continue to partner with local food businesses: Washington’s Green Grocer, Instacart, MOM’s Organic Market, and FRESHFARM market vendors all make it possible for students to make a variety of nutritious recipes in FoodPrints sessions.
We are growing our partnership with the school lunch program: In June, USDA awarded a Farm to School grant to DCPS, FRESHFARM, and Wellness in the Schools to transform DCPS elementary school lunchrooms with a chef coach, more schools that serve scratch-cooked FoodPrints recipes, improved lunchroom environments, and increased local procurement through adoption of the Good Food Purchasing Program.