Fresh Take Blog

Kitchen Sink Salad: A Guide To Building Your Own Salad

Feb. 22, 2024

Unsure of what to do with that one leftover beet in the fridge? Need a quick, simple way to engage young cooks to make their own creative food choices? Whether you have leftover fruits and vegetables or want to create a new recipe, try tossing these options together to make your own kitchen sink salad.

From the old phrase “everything but the kitchen sink”, a kitchen sink salad means that you can toss together just about everything in your kitchen, except the sink, to make your own unique salad!

Follow these five simple steps to create your own salad bar with some of our favorite seasonal fruits and vegetables:

Chart of leafy greens, when they are in season, and tips on how to use them.

Chart of fruits of vegetables, when they are season, and tips on how to use them

Chart of proteins and how to use them in your kitchen sink salad

Suggestions on dressing recipes for your kitchen sink salad

Mix your salad: combine your leafy greens, fruits and vegetables, proteins, and dressing in a large bowl. Then Enjoy

Storage & Serving Tips

  • Store dressing separately from salads, and wait until serving to mix it together. This will prevent salads from getting soggy!
  • Wait until serving to add nuts or seeds into salads to avoid them becoming soggy as well.
  • When adding in small ingredients, like sunflower seeds, berries, green onions, or raisins, try mixing in half of them into the salad and then sprinkling the rest on top. That way, they won’t all collect at the bottom of the salad.
  • There are many other colorful and seasonal ingredients to add to your kitchen sink salads! Have fun experimenting with different combinations of vegetables, fruits, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. You can also check out the many salad and dressings on our recipes page for more inspiration.
  • Kitchen Sink Salads are great for meal prep; just portion servings and reserve the dressing until right before you eat it.

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