Make your own Mancala Board Game
Mancala is a fun and competitive game that involves counting and recognizing patterns. Mancala means “to move” in Arabic, and is played around the world!

Recycled Container Bird Feeders
Recycle your empty milk or juice containers to make a bird feeder for our feathered friends!

Recycle Bin Robots
Take out your recycling bin and find a few empty cardboard boxes if you have any available.
Rinse off any leftover food/other remnants and dry with a cloth.
Using the recycled materials to make your very own robot! You can also use the materials to make signs, sculptures, musical instruments, and wind chimes. All you need is a pair of scissors and some tape.

Decorated Tin Cans
You can make your own decorated tin can.
You can use it to store your special treasures, pencils and pens, or even your favorite crackers.
All you need is an aluminum can, an old magazine or an old calendar, and a pair of scissors and some tape.

Mandalas Out of Anything
A mandala is a circular pattern that you can make with any materials that are available to you!
You can make a mandala out of materials in your recycle bin, items you find around your house (a toy mandala!), materials you find in nature (grass, twigs, sticks), and even with your food before you eat it (a snack mandala!).
The unique thing about a mandala is that you can take your time making it (it should feel relaxing), and when you are ready to be done, you can take it apart and start all over again.

Homemade Puppets
Here is how you can make puppets out of paper towel or toilet paper rolls:
- Find empty toilet paper roll
- Use a marker to draw your favorite animal on it.
- Cut out around the top part of the animal.
- Use your animal as a puppet & have a puppet show
- You can use your puppet as a crayon holder or napkin ring when the puppet show is over
- You can also use scissors to make four small (1-inch), equally spaced cuts on the bottom and fold it to make an animal-themed toilet paper roll planter for growing seeds!
- When you are all done with your paper towel roll puppet, you can recycle or compost it