What’s In Your Share This Week?
Winter squash comes in all shapes and sizes. As the season goes on, you’ll see different varieties of winter squash pop up in your Market Share bags. Spaghetti squash is what some customers can expect to see this week. The stringy, spaghetti like flesh that you get after cooking gives this squash its name.
How to Prepare Spaghetti Squash:
Carefully cut the squash in half, lengthwise, using a sharp knife.
Use a spoon to scoop out any seeds. Coat the inside and outside of the squash with oil and roast, face down, in a baking dish with a tablespoon of water.
Using a fork, scoop the squash out and discard the skin. Mix with olive oil or butter, minced garlic or garlic powder and parmesan cheese or use like spaghetti noodles and serve with tomato sauce on top.
How to Store Root Vegetables:
Be sure to remove the leafy green tops from root vegetables like beets, carrots, radishes, and turnips before storing them in the refrigerator. This will help them last longer.
Check out these recipes for more ways to enjoy your Market Share:
Radishes with Bread and Butter
Head over to our recipe page to find seasonal recipes like this and more.
Looking for fun ways to engage your kids in the kitchen? Try this plant based art activity:
Save those beet greens! Here’s a creative way to get the most out of your veggies:
Cut off the green tops of your beet, making sure to keep at least a 1/2 inch of purple or yellow beet attached.
Give your child paper and the beet top and see what they create! You may want to keep a small knife handy to cut back layers of the beet to have more “paint”.
For more like this, head over to our FoodPrints Anywhere page!