What’s In Your Market Share This Week?
Staying hydrated during summer can be difficult at times. Try eating these melons for a refreshing snack.
Cantaloupes are beige with a hard textured outer rind. The inside is bright orange with the seeds clustered in the center.
- Cantaloupes are 90% water and filled with electrolytes.
- Packed with 100% of the daily value for vitamin C and A. Vitamin
- C helps protect your cells from damage and vitamin A helps keep your immune system healthy.
- Contains other minerals such as potassium, which helps lower blood pressure.
Watermelons are green with a smooth but thick outer rind. The flesh is usually bright red but can also be yellow with seeds throughout.
Watermelons are 92%, making it a great snack for water intake.
Very low in calories but filled with numerous nutrients, such as vitamin A and C. Potassium and magnesium, which supports muscle and nerve function.
Red watermelon also contains Lycopene. Lycopene is an antioxidant that helps keep our immune system healthy
Honeydew has a smooth creamy yellow rind. The flesh is light green with the seeds gathered in the center.
- Honeydew melons are 90% water and contain electrolytes, such as calcium and magnesium
- High levels of vitamin C and potassium.
- Contains vitamin K and folate which are vital to bone health.
Stay refreshed and try out some of these FRESHFARM recipes:
- You can never go wrong with a fresh and juicy Melon Salad!
- A nice cool Strawberry Mint Lemonade is perfect on a warm summer day.
- Try our Purple Fruit and Veggie Smoothie for an easy way to get some added nutrients.
- A Yogurt Parfait for breakfast or snack is easily customizable with your favorite toppings.
Looking for ideas and activities to get the whole family together? Check out Foodprints Anywhere:
Think about some of your Family Food Traditions and learn more about where some of those traditional foods came from.
Trying New Foods can be a challenge for our little ones, check out some of our wellness videos for more tips.